Monday February 3, 2025
Dr Rumi Begum GP Partner
Dr Mohammed Ahmed GP Partner
Dr Felicity Paling Salaried GP
Dr Lorraine Wooster Salaried GP
Dr Edmund Jones Salaried GP
Dr Imogen Staite Salaried GP
As a training practice we have student doctors (University of Sheffield), F2 doctors and GP trainees on rotation working alongside our permanent GPs.
NURSES & Assistants
Sister Jackie Wing - Practice Nurse
Sister Lindsey Morris-Hoyland - Nurse Practitioner
Emma Cresswell - Womens Health Practitioner
Pam Fieldhouse - Health Care Assistant
Leanne Robinson - Health Care Assistant
Matthew Chaplin - GP Assistant
Julie Chaplin - Practice Manager
Karen Dawson - Administration Manager
Paige Keetley - Snr Administrator
Francesca Butler - GP Administrator
Rebecca Palmer - GP Administrator
Holly Rusby - GP Administrator
Wendi Schumacher - Medical Secretary
Katrina Hurt - Medical Secretary
Maisie Peat - Practice Support Officer
Hend Elmor - Clinical pharmacist
Becky Gains - Social Prescribing Link Worker
Susan Meek - Pharmacy Technician
The PCN support the practice by providing an exceptional ageing well team that care for our patients who live in a care or nursing home, and an acute home visiting team that help and support us with acutely unwell housebound patients.
We are also supported by a vast array of community and primary care teams and healthcare professionals.