Request an Appointment Online
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GP Appointments
We now ask patients of the practice to request ANY GP appointment online using a platform called AccuRx.
Demand for GP time has nearly doubled in the years since we originally started triaging our doctors appointments, and we have had to streamline our systems to be more effective. Now, rather than call reception with the details of your medical condition we need you to fill in our simple online form and tell us in your own words what your symptoms are and the details of your request. By supporting us and filling in this form it frees up time for our admin team to deal with other issues and our GP’s welcome the fact that the details are given to them directly from the patient which has helped us to develop a system where we can offer our appointments much more efficiently and safely.
We understand that some patients may be unable to fill in the online form, we can accept the initial triage form from another person on behalf of the patient but we will ONLY contact the patient to discuss the outcome of the triage and treatment, using their preferred communication method. Our reception service will still be available for those who feel unable to send in the form as above.
We are not an emergency service, and our the advice on the form suggests it may be 2 days before a GP will see the request, BUT unless we are receiving very high volumes or are struggling with our capacity, most triage forms are viewed on the day if sent in before 11am. Reception may ask you to call the 111 triage service if the practice is already at capacity or we feel you need to be seen more urgently.
More than half of requests will not need to be a face to face GP appointment, we may contact you via AccuRx messaging for more information or to inform you of what we are offering you as treatment. Please make sure we have up to date mobile numbers when you send in your request.
Please follow this link to visit the online form:
Another option is to use the NHS APP to request a triage, log in and click on ‘services’ at the bottom of the page, then ‘contact your GP about a health problem’.
If the system informs you we have no more appointments today you will have to try the following day from 8am, if you feel you need more urgent help you must call 111 for their triage service.
Other Clinical Appointments
Please follow the link below for information on all of our other services and how to book an appointment.