Home BP Monitoring

Many patients now have access to a Home BP machine.

One like the OMRON M2 is cheap and accurate.

You need to use an upper arm BP machine, not a wrist one.

Please DONT use it regularly - only use it as an alternative to a trip to the nurse.

Instead of taking one reading in the Surgery, take a few days of readings - say 5 days

Take a AM and a PM reading each day, and each time take the best of 3 readings, choosing the combination with the lowest top number (systolic).

You will get 10 readings - a much better indication of your BP than a spot check at the surgery.

Let us have them, and if you have time, please average both the systolic and the diastolic readings, it saves us some time!

We will get back to you if any change in medication, or more readings are needed.

For those on regular medication for blood pressure we will ask you to do this for us at least once a year.