Other Professions
We have many healthcare professionals that support the practice and most of the time, you can access these services yourself without having to contact the surgery.
If you have a positive pregnancy test you don’t need to contact the surgery, you can contact the community midwives by following this link https://www.mypregnancynotes.com/
Community Nurses
Our community nursing team will provide services to patients who are housebound.
Some of the services they provide will include:
- Catheter problems
- End of life care
- Hospital discharge care
- Dressings
- Heparin injections
- Wound and ulcer care
Please follow the link for details on how to contact them directly, again you do not have to contact them through the surgery. We do not have access to their appointment lists so please don’t call the surgery to ask when they will be visiting you. You need to call 01332 564900.
We do not provide any sort of dental care including:
- Dental abscess
- Gum problems
- Tooth ache
Your dentist can also provide medication for any dental problems including antibiotics.
School Nurse
All Derbyshire schools provide a nursing team support that will include:
- Bed wetting
- Bullying
- Drug advice
- Safe sex education
- Behaviour issues
- Advice about ADHD and Autism
- Development screening
Please find more details on this link https://www.derbyshirehealthcareft.nhs.uk/schoolnurse
Health Visitors
Derbyshire has a team of health visitors that are qualified nurses and midwives. If you have any queries about your young child (0-5 years), please follow the link below.